Saturday, March 7, 2009

Colostrum Milk

Colostrum milk is one of the most important foods a newborn can receive from his mother soon after his birth. Colostrum is thick, yellowish milk that is secreted by a mammal in the first several days after delivery. One factor that makes colostrum milk invaluable to the newborn is a high concentration of antibodies vital in warding off disease.

Another factor is the high concentration of calcium, potassium, proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and antibodies.

Colostrum milk helps the newborn to fight diseases up to 4 months old. Calves should receive colostrum from their mothers, ideally within 3-4 hours of birth. If they don't, receive the milk within 8 hours of birth, they may face serious health problems throughout their lives.

Researchers have proven that in human beings, too, no food is as nutritious as mothers' colostrum for newborns. Babies who are not breastfed soon after the birth may develop serious psychological and physical disorders as they age. The colostrum milk produced in humans is low in fat and high in carbohydrates, which keeps a baby healthier. Colostrum milk provides baby with antibodies and disease destroying leukocytes, which help the infant to successfully fight off diseases. In addition to all this, the colostrum milk is extremely easy to digest making it the perfect first food for baby.

When the milk produced in the mother's body, changes from colostrum milk to normal milk, the level of total protein, fat, total solids, solids-not-fat and ash decreases, lactose increases and colostral Ig declines rapidly. But due to its innumerable advantages, many mothers prefer to provide a healthy dose of colostrum milk to their children from other sources also. In such cases, bovine colostrum can be a very good alternative as the colostrum milk obtained from cows is not species specific. Also, the composition of bovine colostrum is strikingly similar to that of human beings.

If the colostrum milk is being used in frozen form, it should be used within 24 hours after completely thawed. The storage container should be marked with the time.

Remember, colostrum milk that is obtained from the mother within 12 hours of birth is said to be the best, so be sure to check the time and date stamp before buying colostrum.

Cow Colostrum milk is the milk produced from cow immediately after birth. Cow Colostrum milk which is beneficial to children and adults alike.

Bovine colostrum contains components such as immunoglobulins, antibodies, proline-rich polepeptyde, lactoferrin and glycoproteins, which are instrumental in fighting viruses in the human body. Also, the growth factors present in Bovine Colostrum are identical to those of human colostrum. There are over 90 components in bovine colostrum, which are divided into two classes, immune factors and growth factors. These two factors contribute largely in maintaining health for the human beings making bovine colostrum the preferred tonic for a growing number of people all over the world.

Bovine colostrum can rejuvenate your brain, assist generation or improvement of aged muscles, burn fat, assist the internal regulation of blood glucose levels, and repair the body’s DNA and RNA. Also, the vitamins and minerals present in bovine colostrum act as coenzymes, which maintain the chemical process in the body.

Over the years, research has proved that immune and growth factors found in bovine colostrum are nearly identical to that of human colostrum. So, bovine colostrum, more than any other forms of colostrum will be beneficial to human health. Also, there is a misconception that only children can benefit from colostrum. As a matter of fact, as bodies age, they stop producing immune and growth factors that help us fight diseases so there is a real need for colostrum in adults.

Colostrum is a natural food revealing no side effects. No wonder it’s been a favorite of athletes and body builders. Bovine colostrum is best taken in powder form as it gives better results when mixed with saliva. Another important advantage is that it can help the body to utilize the proteins and vitamins obtained form other food to a greater extent.

Bovine colostrum can be the right food for people of every age. But it’s important to consult your physician before taking colostrum.


  1. yep,most of the new mothers didn't know that the yellowish milk they secreted are antibodies that help fight diseases which is good for their babies ... they don't usually fed it to their young.

    this is a very good info to them

  2. colostrum can be fraid

  3. colostrum is fully fat..


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